Tag: Spring Cloud


In this article, we will start constructing our reference implementation. We will implement our first service and set up the applications distributed logging and monitoring infrastructure. We begin by building the ConfigurationService, which externalizes and centralizes the application's configuration. While building the service, we introduce Spring Actuator, Micrometer, and Prometheus to capture and store the service's metrics and Grafana to render the application's metrics. Distributed logging is handled using a combination of Fluentd, Elasticsearch, and Kibana to capture, index, and query log data. Finally, we orchestrate our service and its supporting infrastructure with Docker-Compose.


In the previous article, we outlined a Reference Architecture of our foundational microservice application. To realize this architecture, we have selected Java as our implementation language. Additionally, we will leverage the Spring framework's various features to support our microservice implementation. This article provides a brief history of the Spring framework and why it was selected.